Our packaging holds certifications as to its composting suitability. Our Packs comply with a range of strict compostability tests. One of the hardest to attain is the Australasian Norm, AS5810 (they also search to make sure the goods are non-toxic to worms!) and we are happy to claim that our packaging material pass with flying colors.

ABAP 20036 is our package from better packaging co AS5810 certification number.

We are highly mindful of our carbon emissions as an enterprise. But as the expression goes, you cannot change it if you can't quantify it, so we carried out a complete audit of our carbon emissions in early 2019 and now offset them by 120 percent. That is what it means to be 'climate positive'!

REACH Certified

REACH stands for the Licensing, Assessment, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals and is a European legislation. REACH allows it the industry's duty to identify and handle the hazards faced by chemicals and to provide their customers with sufficient protection knowledge.

The goal of Scope is to maintain high standards of security for human and environmental health.


RoHS stands for Dangerous Substances Prohibition. It is EU-origin legislation which limits the usage of several hazardous materials commonly found in electronic goods.

Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (CrVI), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and phthalates are forbidden substances (DEHP, BBP, BBP, DIBP).

These limited products are harmful to the atmosphere and can, once they end up there, pollute landfills. They are therefore not chemicals to which you would want to be subjected while processing or recycling as a job.